Now for some coincidences...

… and there are MANY.  And thank goodness, as I am not a firm believer in signs.  (As in I have trouble believing them when I receive them, and I think Patrick has trouble sending them.  He’s even asked my friend before for HER to send me a sign FROM HIM. Lol!  She says he’s pretty impatient when it comes to this, and he gets “angry” you might say at my overanalyzing everything all the time). I know that many people believe there are no coincidences; that coincidences are really signs begging us to pay attention. Personally, I DO believe that not all coincidences are signs from above.  Nonetheless, I notice them so much these days that I’ve decided to pay heed to the insistent little buggers.

But here are some coincidences that have been happening, and some themes that have been popping up in my dreams all my life; only it’s never “soaked in” until I started talking to my medium friend this past year.  I cannot even begin to express how helpful she’s been. We even discovered that Patrick had been bugging her months before we even started talking to each other.  Only, she had no clue who “Patrick” was at the time – and I never saw her post. 
(She posted a “Who is Patrick” thread on a forum we both visited at the time).

Anyway… first coincidence involves a dream I had about the Scottish actor Gerard Butler.  He played The Phantom, and I LOVE this guy!!!  I suspect that one reason I love GB so much is that in some way he must – subconsciously – remind me of Patrick. His personality that is.  In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s why b/c of a dream my friend
(and myself) had of Patrick – in disguise once again – as Gerry Butler.  Then top that off with another dream we both had, and some weird happenings on the computer… which I’ll explain later.

Gerry Butler/Patrick Dream:

It was nighttime and I was walking along a sidewalk outside a strip of shopping centers. I saw Gerry walking towards me, but knew he’d never stop for me. But once he did reach me, he pivoted and began walking with me. I wrapped my arm around his waist, and he wrapped his around my shoulder I think. He never spoke a word. Just smiled down at me. When I looked up into his face I knew he wasn’t really Gerry, but Patrick. I could tell by the eyes. Also, his smile was very "unearthly" you might say. Very serene and otherworldly. The best way I can describe it is like "Faramir" in the Houses of Healing scene in the movie “Return of the King,” when he sees Eowyn for the first time.  The smile was sort of ‘haunting’ – pardon the pun.

I looked up at him and couldn’t help but tell him that he had

After that, we walked inside a Target store. I know it was a Target because the counters were red. Once we entered the store, he immediately separated from me. “Gerry” ambled directly to a cashier to pay for something. (What, I’m not sure seeing as I never saw the man shop for anything.  I didn’t even see an item in his hand).

End Dream.
*~* 2 days later I visited GB’s website. I normally just check the updates thread. I don’t even open the thread unless it’s been updated, but that day I decided to check all the new posts for a change. One of the first posts was a Phantom of the Opera vid someone did on August 1, 2005. It was updated that day; May 1st one entire year later. It was titled “POTO vid – IF YOU SAY MY EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL. *~*

How’s THAT for a coincidence?! When I told Mom about the store in my dream being a Target, she instantly said – “Bulls eye.” I never thought of that, but there has to be a reason for the store in the dream being a Target.  I guess it just symbolized that I was “right on target” that Gerry in the dream was really Patrick, or that Gerry and Patrick’s personalities are similar.  Maybe both.

Tarot Reading:

After talking to a woman who did a tarot card reading on me (this was on a Gerry Butler website if you can believe that) which was just a general reading but ended up being about Patrick and the mystery more or less being at sort of an end, I mentioned the above dream to her just in passing.  Well, when checking my email a few minutes later there was a Target ad flashing at the top of the screen.

By the way, her reading mentioned --- “It looks like you are making a decision to leave something behind... looks like it will be over finally, and it looks like it involves a man. This is a huge decision and it has spiritual overtones to it.” She also drew the King of Swords, which is a card Patrick showed my friend a few months later. (I’ve always seen that as confirmation that his personality is like the King of Swords).

from beyond is hard work!

- I joked to my friend, after a reading she did, that Patrick is probably resting now.  Right after she read that in her email, she heard on the TV - "I am worn out!"  Lol!

Dream of seeing where I used to live

- I was on a vacation with my family I think.  We were in another country, high up on a cliff I think.  As we walked up these wide concrete steps (they were buried within the hill and had grass growing over them), I instantly recognized it as where I used to live.  I was sooooo ELATEDLY HAPPY because I remembered everything about the place. I was actually quite shocked in the dream that I could ever have forgotten. I knew where all the buildings used to be, and what served which purpose.  But all that remained were the crumbling foundations.  I mean this place was OLD, as the walls only raised about 2 inches in most places.  The stones were such a light gray color they almost looked blue.  (Which is funny b/c there’s a picture I love of Charleville Castle and Beaumaris Castle which has the same color stone, and even my mother has seen the same color stone when communicating with Patrick).

The 'Staring into my Soul ' Dream:

(This one really set me in a depression)

Ever seen the the tv series, “Christy?” Remember the rugged, Scottish Dr. Neil MacNeill? Well he was in it and in this dream I was mad for the man. I mean I loved him like crazy. In the beginning of the dream it was like watching an old episode of “Christy.” Opal was giddy with happiness as she held her baby in her arms – only she had to be told that that baby wasn’t hers. Her baby was dead. 

(Note: This echoes how my aunt and that psychic said something about Patrick and losing children.  It also echoed my Mom’s feelings on a vision I had once – which was explained earlier on this website. I’ve always ignored this part of the dream, as it’s possible I was dreaming it b/c of that… although at the time I wasn’t thinking of any of that at all. I also wasn’t watching the “Christy” episodes like I used to.  Also… I’ve had another dream before where a lady ghost was crying for her children.  So, maybe there’s a message there that’s trying to come through.  The lady ghost, by the way, I’ve dreamt about twice now).

Opal screamed and ran into the next room of the cabin to see her child.  She was wailing out loud, and near the fireplace across the room was Dr. MacNeill sitting in a chair.  His back was facing me and I could clearly hear and see that he was crying because he couldn’t save the baby’s life. I wanted… desperately… to go to him and comfort him, but I knew he wouldn’t be comfortable with that.  I had to leave him alone.  I forced myself to leave

 (Note: I’ve never told my mother about the first half of this dream, and yet she has said that she thinks Patrick was a tortured soul in his PL – something which, I admit, I am drawn to in this life. [Hence my obsession over Scottish Neil MacNeill from the Christy tv series, Scottish actor Gerry Butler, and Faramir from LOTR]. Mom said she thinks that due to Patrick’s station, he was taught from early childhood to be “above” his emotions. It was all about survival for him and the men he was in charge of.  But I find it strange that her feelings echo my dream above.  I wanted sooo badly to comfort him, yet knew I couldn’t do that b/c it wasn’t in his experience to be “mollycoddled” through any pain or disappointments).

In the next part of my dream I was with my family in some hospital waiting room. When - finally - he walks in the door, I'm so incredibly happy. I was so in love with this man that even my family can see it.  It's written all over my face just how much I love him.

Neil was signing in for his first day at his new job there.
(Makes sense as in the tv series Neil is a doctor). At one point I walked up to him at the secretary’s desk. He turns to look at me, and when our eyes meet his face is so close to mine.  I go speechless, not making one sound and literally freezing on the spot.  In the back of my mind, I'm even thinking he might very well kiss me right then...... in front of all these people, which I think sort of embarrassed me.  Lol!  But when he turned around and looked into my eyes, I was in for a surprise b/c I saw PATRICK’S eyes staring back at me. I completely forgot what I was going to tell him b/c those eyes caught me so much by surprise. I expected to see Dr. MacNeill’s eyes, not Patrick’s. All that went reeling through my mind was how incredibly vulnerable I felt as his very intense eyes bored into mine. I felt vulnerable and helpless, as in he saw into my very soul. It was sort of an uncomfortable feeling actually. There were absolutely no secrets between us. He never spoke to me in the dream. Just stared at me. I also remember thinking how light blue his eyes are.

And I understood that he knows things about me that EVEN I don’t know!  But at the same time I knew that there were absolutely no judgments from him. He accepts me for the person that I am – faults and all - without reservation.

Next, "Neil" is taken away by another doctor/someone that works there; some lady.   I wait, and wait and wait for him to return.  I decide I'm being foolish.  He isn't coming back in the room to see me.  (I think he told me he would, or I thought I could read his thoughts that he would.  He never outright spoke in my dream). 

Finally, he walks in and is in an - unnaturally - cheery mood for a change.  He was joining a slumber party with the family.  Lol!

In the next part of my dream, everyone is asleep and I was lying in bed. In this one bed was myself, my cousin I think (she was about 10 in my dream) and Dr. MacNeill/Patrick. He doesn't have a shirt on and he's very MUSCULAR.  While he and I aren't an item yet, I love him - desperately.  I was bashful about letting my feelings be known to him, yet I was so mad for this man. This sounds silly, but in the dream I didn’t want to seem too forward about my feelings, so instead of holding his hand I just grabbed one of his fingers and held on to it - sort of like a child would. Lol! After that I felt him take my entire hand.  A couple seconds later he gave it the gentlest squeeze.  We never speak. He then rolls over, almost on top of me, and just holds me close. I cannot even begin to describe how heavenly that felt.  I was so relieved to discover in that dream that he shared my feelings. We just lay there, holding each other and not speaking a word.  The second he took my hand voluntarily, that's when I knew 100% that he shared my feelings.

It really depressed me when I woke up the next morning. It affected me for a few weeks actually. Pardon my theatrics here, but it was like being in Heaven’s Gates one moment…. and then waking up in a hell (of sorts) in the next moment.  I mean, in this dream I could even remember feeling his weight around me as he held me.  That was my last thought in the dream. 

And the next morning I realized that life feels so lonely when you can only feel that kind of love with a man in a dream.

UPDATE about the dream above:

I just remembered something about this dream.  I didn’t originally write it down b/c I thought it was nothing, but I’m now thinking that that was an error in judgment.  I think there might be a message there after all.

In the part of my dream where I’m lying in bed, at first my head was at the foot of the bed.  In other words, I was lying in the bed BACKWARDS at first. When I woke up was when I finally lied in it correctly.

But for a long time now I’ve had this… well, let’s just call it a gut feeling… that that position was meant to represent
YIN and YANG.  You know, the masculine and feminine energies.  While looking up information about yin/yang today, I stumbled into some sites about soulmates/twin flames.

I’m also beginning to wonder if my cousin (a younger version of her) was in this dream because:

- He and I were distant cousins.

- I was that age (around 9 or 10) when he and I first met.  (Mom thinks I was his ward for a time).

- He’s trying to tell me that my name back then did have an ANN in it somewhere. (I’ve been told by two people they thought my name was something like “Annabelle.”  It had an “Ann” in it they both say.  And well… my cousin’s name is JulieANNE”).

I do think a lot of truths/messages are in the details of our dreams.

Reunion Dream:

Like the one above, this one depressed me.  This one depressed me so much that it took months for me to write it down. I knew I’d never forget it, so I waited to record it. I had this dream first though, at a time when it still hadn’t “sunk in” that Patrick was coming incognito as Neil. He came as Neil b/c in that ‘tent dream’ he scared me to death. Lol!  I think he comes as Neil most of the time now b/c I’m comfortable with that image.  I guess it’s Patrick’s “safe” way of visiting me in dreamstate.  And I have been told that Patrick’s energy is very “thick” and “intense” and “intimidating,” but that he’s really a gentle soul – or he was in his past life until it was time for battle.  And I, too, believe his energy is very intense b/c I think I’ve felt it firsthand.  In fact, I felt it so strongly in my room once that I slept in the guestroom for an entire week. Lol!  Of course, idiot me didn’t even ponder at the time that it could have been him. But I’ll explain all that later, as there is more to that story.

I was waiting for “Neil” inside some old fashioned building. I was standing by the fireplace, waiting for him to show up. The room was pretty bare, and the fireplace was ‘open-air’ and made of stone.  Instead of the backside of the fireplace resting against a wall, only ONE EDGE was flushed against the wall. One side of it faced the front door and the other the room.  I always thought that strange but Mom tells me that that would have been common in Renaissance times – for ventilation I guess. But I was waiting for him on the other side of the fireplace when Neil (Patrick) BURST through the door - literally - with the WIDEST GRIN!  We were both grinning like crazy, and even when he kissed me I remember thinking how lucky I was. I cannot even begin to describe how elatedly happy we both felt and how SURE we were that we had each found the right person. We were so happy we were actually GIDDY. Our excitement just could not be contained. I even remember thinking in the dream that a lot of outside forces (people he and I both knew) didn’t want us to be together, but that we had both finally decided that very day– “Well to Hell with them and what THEY want!” Lol! All we wanted was to be happy, together, and on our own terms.  But I cannot begin to describe how STRONG our feelings for each other were in this dream. I don’t think “Love” is even a powerful enough word.  I don’t think the word even exists in our vocabulary to describe those feelings.  You have to feel them for yourself to comprehend the force of it.

But I’m not yet sure if that dream was an actual past life memory (which it very well could be from a reading my friend did), or him trying to help me remember.  I’ve even pondered the possibility of it being a memory of my last reunion with him on The Other Side.  This theory feels pretty right to me actually. Especially when coupled with the dress I wore in the dream. I say this b/c the dress always seemed more Pioneer or Victorian to me than Renaissance). Also, I think it MIGHT have been a reunion memory… Goodness, that sounds crazy even as I type thatbecause I have also had a dream where my father and I were in Heaven. Dad was newly arrived there - and maybe myself as well - only he was a bit confused.  I, on the other hand, was trying to get him settled in but the entire time was ITCHING to go someplace to see someone.  I really felt “at home” there.  So I’m now thinking maybe that dream with my father is related to the dream I had with Neil bursting through the door to see me – and me waiting for him there. 

Or maybe it was us reuniting on a night when I was astral traveling?

- But the strange thing is that over the past year I’ve discovered that the same themes have been cropping up in my dreams since about junior high.  Even in my writing!!!!  ALWAYS is there a huge age gap
(I’m thinking that in that past life I was around 16 and he was in his mid 30’s probably) and outside forces didn’t want us to be together; which I have since learned is a common theme with twin flames on the earth plane – something will inevitably try to separate them.

The coincidences in the readings done on our past life, on him, and with the books I’ve been reading and the stories I’m writing right now – are ENDLESS.  I’ll type those up later.  There really are A LOT of coincidences – one of them is quite hilarious actually.

Dream about Patrick's horse:

- After my friend did a reading one night, the next morning I was wondering if Patrick’s horse ever had a name.  I even voiced my question out loud.
(Don’t ask me why I was so curious about such a trivial thing as his horse’s name. LOL!  I just wanted to know, as this white horse seems to be very important to Patrick.  I see it in a lot of my dreams with him, and a white horse is always in tarot readings on him). I went back to sleep that morning, but woke with the memory of a dream of seeing a large piece of old parchment with torn edges.  It said “Hooker” on it, and then went into describing the type of horse it was.  It was like reading a definition in the dictionary really fast, but all I remembered reading was “Dapple Mare.”

Well, when I woke up I thought “Hooker” was a strange name for a pet, but I looked it up anyway.  I found out that it had Old English/Irish origins and was coined by the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. I then looked up pictures of dapple mares, and they do look like Patrick’s horse.  I always thought of it as a white horse, but on the internet even the dapple grey mares look white to me.  So MAYBE he really was trying to answer my question through that dream.  Also, in that dream the information was coming in FAST... which is common for spirit communication.

And this is a little interesting –

Two days after that dream, my Mom was looking at computer desks on the internet when one of the desks she was seriously looking at went by the brand name "Hooker." LOL!  My friend told me she thought that that was confirmation for my dream.  That it was Patrick’s way of forcing me to pay attention and to stop second-guessing my dream.

- The morning I had the dream about the name of Patrick’s horse, my friend dreamt about a white horse that night as well.

Another Hugging dream:
(Email excerpt)

Last night I was WIRED and couldn’t sleep at all, so I decided to peruse my dream journals. I stumbled across a dream entry from 2002. I’m thinking Patrick was “incognito” in that dream.  I’m so glad I wrote this dream down.  I do remember writing it down b/c it really stuck with me and depressed me, which I thought unusual.

I had the dumbest/emotional dream this morning.  (Tossed and turned all night TRYING to sleep).  It sounds dumb, but this dream had NX’s ‘Chris in the Morning’ in it. In the dream I knew he had to end up with Maggie, but the trouble was that I loved him more.  And, to my surprise, he felt the same.  But we both knew that he had to end up with Maggie anyway – like in the tv show.  We never said how we felt about each other outwardly.  We each knew by a mere hug.  A very long hug.  I remember giving him just this simple “See ya” hug, but feeling very sad.  I mean, in this dream…. I was sooo in love.  But as I hugged him, he hugged me back.  And he would not let go of me!  He just kept on holding me tight, and that’s when I felt so keenly that he had feelings for me as well.  It was so terrible!  Terrible because we didn’t have a choice.  We couldn’t be together.  Then, later in the dream, I was crying so hard about it in front of some friend – but not telling her why I was so upset.  (She was a little upset about something, too).  Anyway, it sounds dumb but the feelings I felt for him… and the feelings I felt coming from him…. were so real.  Guess this was your typical ‘I’m lonely’ dream.  That’s it – an ‘I’m lonely.  Please hug me’ dream. :o( 

End dream.
But then…. in the same entry at the very end… what did I write down but this ---
I’ve also been wondering very much lately about whom the Knight is exactly – the ghost I saw when 7 years old.  I’m so curious to discover the truth.  He is real.  Very real, though I’ve only seen him the one time.

Okay, so in this dream Chris/Patrick was just hugging me.  Well… in that ‘staring into my soul’ dream he did the exact same thing.  Just held me close.  Also, in both dreams he never spoke a word. 
(Which I hear is normal for spirits as they communicate telepathically).  Also, I was wondering about 'the ghost/knight' at the time that I had the above dream. So I guess Patrick knew I was wondering who he was again, so he came to me in my dream.

Click HERE for an update

Dream with my mother:

- I brushed this dream off for a few days before taking it seriously.  I dreamt that my grandma was visiting us at our house, and that my mother was telling her about Patrick.  She told Grandma that Patrick told her that he was going to have a profound influence on my life.

- My friend told me that she had had the same type of dream that week as well! In her dream her mother told her that her soulmate
(my friend’s SM that is, whom is also in the spirit world) sometimes strokes her cheek.

It's in his Kiss
dream and coincidence:

- Back in high school I was crazy in love with New Kid on the Block Member Jordan Knight. Lol!  I had this dream where I was studying with him in my room, but grew really tired so I turned off the light.  Jordan (who I now think was really Patrick) knelt on the floor at the side of the bed and kissed me.  It was just 2 sweet little kisses.  The kiss actually woke me up, and when I opened my eyes EVERYTHING in my room looked EXACTLY like it did in my dream.  I was even lying in the EXACT same position that I was in my dream; on my right side, and at the right hand side of my bed.  Also… and this is very strange… in the dream I knew that “Jordan” and mine’s relationship was FORBIDDEN by outside forces.  We were only friends, but not b/c that was what WE wanted.  It was what EVERYONE ELSE wanted. There was also a huge age gap b/w us in this dream. But I was so surprised when this echoed my friend’s second reading on Patrick to a T!  And I find it a little funny that Patrick… a WARRIOR… came as Jordan KNIGHT in that dream. Lol!  I guess some truths are in the details.   It didn't feel like a regular dream.

- A few weeks ago I was wondering if the dream above was Patrick incognito, or not. Well - at work that Friday, the teacher across the hall kept BLASTING the oldies song “It’s in his Kiss” during class changes.  She played it over and over and over and over again. I was so sick of it by mid-morning.

When I got home I was doing an internet search for Animaniacs and Tiny Toons cartoon clips (which is strange for me since I never watch tv) when I came across that same song!  The characters from Tiny Toons were singing it!

Radio & Television

- That same night of the “It’s in His Kiss” coincidences, I dreamt something silly.  I was talking to Mom about how I never get good reception on AM radio stations anymore.  Mom told me that she thought it was b/c  I wasn’t ignoring Patrick so much anymore and it was his energy that was messing with the radio stations.  Lol!  Anyway, the next morning I turned on the tv in the guestroom.  It was on the travel channel and another ghost show was on.  They were talking about King Henry/Jane Seymour and how he was much older than her.  It then said that King Henry called her “his rose without a thorn.”

Well…. What did Mom/Patrick write in that automatic writing but ---
“You were the flower.  I was the thorn.” (The automatic writing is in the index bar of this site).

So that’s several coincidences for the same weekend – The song and the flower/thorn mention.  Also the age gap.

Swans and stars and music boxes, oh my!

My mother has said that Patrick kept showing her swans.  Black and white swans.  She said that in our past life we had a secret rendezvous point at a loch. She said it was a pretty spot with black and white swans, and some craggy mountain there was reflected in the water. Then a few days later Patrick showed her a black and white swan again.  The swans were on a lake and their necks were interlocked, forming a heart shape.

- Patrick showed my friend white swans, and then days later she was on some message board where they have a game called “Find the picture.”  When it was her turn, she said “Find me a picture of a music box.”  The picture they came back with was a picture of a music box with 2 SWANS on the top, with their
necks together forming a heart. Lol! (Just like what my mother saw).

- Someone on the internet posted a picture of “Beaumaris Castle” in Wales that I’ve fallen in love with. I was always looking at this one picture with swans swimming in the moat.
(This was loong before my mother and friend said Patrick was showing them swans, too). So… maybe there’s a deeper reason why I’m so fascinated with that picture? Am I – subconsciously of course – remembering the swans? Also, the color stone of the castle is like the stone from the castle ruins in that one dream I had.  It’s also the same color stone Patrick showed Mom.

- One of two surnames I’ve been deliberating giving my character (in a story I want to write that’s loosely based on Patrick) was SWAN.

Stars & Swans Dream:

A long time ago I had this dream that my mother, father and myself were at some huge, fancy palace with marble floors. We were at a ball, and I did NOT want to be there.  I wanted to get away from all the noise and people, so I stepped outside for a moment to be by myself. 
(In real life I am a very introspective and private person anyway, and feel very out of place in this time). When I was outside I was alone in a courtyard.  It was very landscaped and PERFECT.  It was nighttime and the sky was a very serene, beautiful blue and lots of stars were out. There was a white, domed glass building glowing in the distance. But in front of me, on both sides, were two huge square/concrete ‘pools’ if-you-will; not for swimming, and I think they had little fountains inside them.  These two pools/fountains were filled with SWANS. This dream always stuck with me b/c the colors and everything in the courtyard/the sky were so soothing and serene.  And I knew it couldn’t have been a dream about a past life because my parents were in it. But I now think that that was a dream Patrick formulated himself – b/c of the white swans and b/c it was such a peaceful dream.  I think that was his gift to me.  And again, the night sky and everything was so serene and perfect.  Lots of stars.


- On one of my friend’s readings, Patrick yelled “Victory!”  (Like a battle cry or something). 

- The next day I was lying out in the sun, reading a novel followed by my tarot book which I was just starting to familiarize myself with. I took a break, and after a while the top card to my tarot deck blew into the yard. I decided to go ahead and look up it’s meaning.  It mentioned that the 6 of Wands was the VICTORY card. 

How’s that for a coincidence?! Out of
78 cards in that deck, the top one “just happened” to blow out into the yard and it  “just happened” to be the VICTORY card.

- My friend later discovered that one of her neighbors rides a motorcycle, and the back of his jacket has in big letters, the word "VICTORY.”

Computer Phenomena:

(On the exact same night my friend and I both had strange things happen over the computer relating to our soulmates).

- My friend was speaking to her sister on msn messenger.  Her sister sent her a link to a picture.  She clicked the link, but it took her to the wrong page, but on the page were in HUGE letters the name
PATRICK.  She ignored it and highlighted the url her sister sent again.  She pasted it into the browser, but it didn’t show up.  What DID show up however, was part of an email that I sent her!  It was a sentence where I was gushing about Gerry Butler.  The sentence was this:
"And I think this is sweet.  These days he has his own cameraman film HIS FANS and his work day, so that he can send home movies to his mother in Scotland.  (Gerry seems to be a momma's boy by the way. Lol!)" 

She then tried copying and pasting the url again and again, but all that would show up was that sentence. She immediately thought that Patrick was sending me a sign that he was close to his mother, too, or that he was just confirming that his personality really is like Gerry's.
(Which was something she and I had been discussing… which leads me to a dream that SHE had about Patrick in disguise as Gerry.  But I’ll explain that in a moment as there is more to the computer messages that day). And the PATRICK in bold letters on the link that took her to the wrong site was his “signature card” if-you-will.

- And then there's something else that is strange.  That same night I kept dreaming that I was reading messages on THE COMPUTER to me.  It was like reading one of my guestbooks to my websites, and one or more of the posts were talking about Patrick.  One of them even said
"Love ya, Patrick." But at the same time I knew that that wasn’t Patrick himself that typed it, but someone else.  (I think it was a way to let me know that my friend was sending his messages to me FOR HIM over the computer; hence my dream that night and what happened to her that same night with msn). I dreamt about reading these messages nearly all night long.  Every single time I woke up, I was thinking of that computer screen that I was STILL dreaming about. Lol!  So when my friend told me about her own experiences over the computer the next morning, I was amazed.

- My mother contacted my friend’s soulmate once, and the name SARDINIA came to her. 
(Mom and I had never heard of this place, but it turns out it does exist and is a tropical island near Italy.  And the tropical island matches exactly what my friend has told me about how she felt her PL was on a tropical island somewhere.  And no… I never told any of this to my mother before she did her reading). Well… on the same night of the computer message from Patrick mentioned above, I was looking up period costumes… since I was curious about the way Patrick dressed and b/c of the funny pointy shoes my friend mentioned that Patrick wore. I also wanted to research the clothing for that time period for one of my books that I want to write.  I remembered that Patrick's clothing reminded me a lot of how Romeo dressed in the old movie of "Romeo and Juliet."  So I typed that in, hoping it would give me a date of that era, more pictures, and hopefully some historical sites about that time period. So when I clicked on one of the images from the movie, it sent me to a page with pictures of Italy.  I couldn't believe it when I saw the name SARDINIA in huge block letters… (sounds similar to what happened to my friend when she saw Patrick’s name in huge letters)… and then pictures next to it.  I used to look at pictures of Italy all the time, but never had I stumbled across Sardinia. I never even heard of the place until Mom mentioned it.  And also – a while later I was watching some tv show that I’d never watched before.  On it the actress mentioned SARDINIA.

So anyway… I thought it amazing that she and I both had messages for each other on the same night via the computer. It was like Patrick and my friend’s soulmate both knew that we wouldn’t believe those signs unless they came through someone else. Like my friend said, it’s like they were plotting behind our backs that evening. What are the odds that I’d be dreaming all night of receiving messages from Patrick, and then the next day discover that I received a message on the computer from him through my friend?! And then there’s my “coincidentally” stumbling into that Sardinia stuff on the same night, when I was looking for something related to Patrick on the computer.

Dream my friend had where...

... Patrick came in disguise as Gerry, and not Neil for a change.

She was walking downtown with her hubby when they came across Gerry filming a movie in the city.

(Note: I forgot to mention to her that when she dreamt that, at the time Gerry REALLY WAS filming outdoor scenes to a movie where she lived.  At the time I was reading a lot of fan encounters on his websites, only I never told her about those since I didn’t want to bore her with my Gerry Butler obsession).

Anyhow, at the time my friend wasn’t thinking about GB in the slightest, but dream about him she did. (Lucky girl!) She went up to Gerry and asked if she could videotape him for me.

(Note: She says that in the beginning of the dream GB was skateboarding. Lol!  Months after she told me this, I realized that in another Patrick dream that I had back in high school – a skateboard and my cousin “Brian” was in it.  I remembered thinking at the time I dreamt that, that the skateboard and my cousin being in the dream was ridiculous.  I couldn’t figure out the meaning.  But when my friend mentioned Gerry and a skateboard, I looked up the meaning in a dream dictionary.  The meaning made sense, as it echoed what she and others have told me about Patrick’s feelings for me.  The definition read:
"To dream that you are skateboarding indicates the ups and downs of some emotional situation or relationship. "
And little did I know that years later I’d have TWO people tell me they thought one of Patrick’s names was BRIAN, just as was in that dream I had so long ago. So I’ve since then learned that the silliness in some dreams really are messages from spirits).

In this dream, Gerry told her that she could videotape him, and she remembered thinking that I was right about Gerry being really nice to his fans. After they parted she continued walking around the city, but then she bumped into Gerry again. This time, he came up TO HER.  She said it was strange because she then saw ME standing on the sidewalk about 10 feet away talking to some other women. 

The rest of her dream I’ll just copy and paste as she sent it.  When you see the
<<<<< symbols, that’s when she felt like automatic writing was coming through:

You didn't see me or Gerry at all. So Gerry comes up to me and he says this while gesturing to you-
"You know, while I was courting her, I would often watch her as I am now when she was unaware that I was watching her and a huge smile would cross my face at the wonder of her enchantment". Then as he said that a huge, cheeky grin spread across his face and he looked at you with so much love in his eyes. I could tell that he loved you and cherished you VERY much. It was so sweet. He was just so incredibly enchanted by your personality and your presence. Oh yeah, he mentioned that he even loved your little "quirks", whatever that means, lol.

Anyhow, I woke up this morning with that dream fresh in my mind and I thought it was weird but really didn't think much of it because I know that you really love GB but what I thought was odd was that HE loved you in this dream and when he spoke and used the word "courting" I IMMEDIATELY put the 2 and 2 together and knew it was a message from Patrick. That Gerry was actually Patrick in the dream. We don't use the word "courting" anymore right? That would be something that someone from Patrick’s era would've said right? That's what got me, otherwise I would've just assumed it was silly dream. So I think that Patrick was confirming that he really is like Gerry and also wanted me to tell you the message that Gerry (Patrick) said about you in the dream.
<<<< That you were so different from him that it amused him and attracted him to you like no other. The traits that he once thought were odd about your personality and your ways, now enchanted him and he loved you the more for those "quirks" and personality traits that he found so different from himself. You were like a different species to him at first since the 2 of you were so different in your ways, that he thought it odd at first (that you were a bit odd) but he quickly fell in love with those traits and quirks and found you irresistible. Like a moth to a light. He wondered at your ways and never really did understand all your differences but that's what made him love you even more. You were absolutely irresistible to him and he loved you like no other. A wondrous creature you were. You bewitched him body, mind and soul. You were like no other he had ever seen or met before.>>> Ok, now that was weird. THAT my dear, was some automatic writing there. The part where I said in the above paragraph- "That you were so different from him that it amused him....." That was from Patrick. I slipped into some automatic writing. And I know that because everytime I do automatic writing I don't realize it until it is over and when I stopped typing the above paragraph, I was like "What the heck just happened??" LOL Plus, those words were coming out sooooooooooooo fast and it was like I was actually FEELING everything that I was typing. Like I was him for a few minutes. So there ya go- there's a big message from Patrick for you. Actually 2- the dream and then the automatic writing I just did.

Lady Ghost Dream:

(This I’ll just copy and paste – for the most part - as I sent it to my friend.  I was definitely brainstorming on this one, so bear with me. Lol!)

I had a really strange dream once where I saw a woman dressed in a long blue dress, wringing her hands when walking around a pool as she was looking for her lost children.

Note: I had forgotten when I dreamt that that my aunt and a psychic had told me that Patrick kept saying something about losing children).

This lady crying for her children was a ghost. She came up to me and touched my arm (it felt like a cross b/w a tiny zap of electricity and that feeling you get when your foot falls asleep), then she got in my face and told me – “You’re an empath, aren’t you?!” She sounded really excited about her discovery, though I wasn’t in agreement with her at all. (So I guess that might mean that in my waking life I really am blocking any empathic abilities? My family and friends tell me this all the time.  That my overanalyzing is blocking any abilities I might have).

Actually, come to think of it – Dr. MacNeill (now I’m thinking Patrick?) was in that dream as well. After my encounter with the ghost, I was freaking out over the possibility of other spirits talking to me without warning. While balling my eyes out in hysteria, I told Neil that at the end of the day I really needed to talk to him about this. The entire day passed and each time I saw him, he completely ignored me!

So… I never thought about that until now.  That Neil in that dream didn’t speak.  Patrick never speaks in my dreams, so I guess he was Neil in that dream, too?  So either my dream-self translated his not speaking to me as him rudely ignoring me, or he was really trying to tell me something by ignoring me.  But WHAT? That perhaps I should stop disregarding that I could be an empath, thus making it easier for us to communicate?  Beats me.

Any ideas?

Whoa… I just looked at the clock and it’s 11:02

Okay… I was just now re-reading this email from the beginning, and right after I read the sentence above about it being 11:02, I noticed that it ‘s now
11:12. Lol!

But I do wonder if that means anything.  In one dream Patrick ran away from me on his horse, and in the one mentioned above he ignored me – or just didn’t speak b/c he was a spirit.  But I really do think that he was ignoring me in that one dream purposely.  Every single time I ran into him, he would walk right past me without acknowledging my presence.  I remember feeling hurt because it wasn’t his normal character.

Numbers 1 and 2

on the clock:

- All year I’ve been seeing 1’s and 2’s on the clock.  I see them CONSTANTLY!!!!!  I’ve been told that those are soulmate numbers.  That they mean you “are one with your soulmate.”  I’m guessing that if Patrick and I are soulmates, then that conjecture might be correct as I haven’t been noticing those numbers until all this communicating started happening so much over this past year.

- After typing a post about Patrick on a site I frequent, I hit the ‘reply’ button.  After I did that, the telephone started dialing the numbers
222222222 straight out of the blue. Now, this happened years ago, and since I’ve been seeing those 1’s and 2’s this year, I’m now wondering if the phone dialing all those 2’s was Patrick’s doing as well?
Just read this about that pattern:
222 –
“Your newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality.  Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see the evidence of your manifestation.  In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle.  Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work!  Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.”

Stop turning off my fan!

- At our old house, whenever we had overnight guests and Mom stayed in my bedroom while I slept elsewhere, she said that my floor fan turned off. This happened the two times that she stayed in my room. And then the first week we moved into this new house, we were all getting ready for bed. My sister and her family were spending a few nights with us. My niece was going to sleep in my room with me. She was already in bed, looking at some book when I had to go downstairs to take care of the animals. When I returned to my room, my niece was still sitting up in bed, looking at her book. I noticed that the floor fan was off. (This is a different fan, too). I asked her why on earth she turned it off, since it was so hot in the house. She just casually told me that it turned off by itself when I left the room to go downstairs.Those two fans have NEVER acted up for me unless someone else is using my room. I just wonder if that was Patrick’s way of telling them that that isn’t their room, but mine?  My friend has told me she thinks that’s his favorite ‘hanging out’ spot. Lol! 

- What’s also funny is that when I was learning the tarot cards, they ONLY worked while I was in my bedroom.

- Also, I’ve felt a STRONG presence in my room once. It didn’t dawn on me for a very long time that it might have been Patrick.  (Yes, I can be very dense). It spooked me so much that I slept in the guestroom for 3 days.  Then my mother and I went to Austin to visit family for a couple days.  When we returned, I stayed in the guestroom again just because I still hadn’t made up the bed.  Well, that night what did I (and my cat. Lol!) see but the door open by itself, followed by the sound of someone stepping on the base of the floor fan. (It actually sounded like someone ran into it by accident. Lol!) If that was Patrick, I guess he was wondering if I’d changed bedrooms for good. Lol!

He sooo Loves

(This is an email I sent my friend).

I was talking to Mom and Dad in the garage when our neighbors came over.  Our garage was packed and after a few minutes I went inside to get another cola.  The second I was back inside the house, I said out loud to myself that I just HAD to be looking like crap the day we had visitors. Lol!  Well, the second after I said that I heard this CONSTANT noise.  I thought it was coming from upstairs.  It sounded like my cat batting at something continuously. It was a very insistent sound.  It just kept going on and on.  It sounded EXACTLY like the drawer handle to a dresser banging against the drawer. But only MY dresser has handles like that, and that dresser is inside my walk-in closet.  I KNEW that wasn’t it, and I quickly realized it wasn’t the cat b/c I spotted her in the living room.  I heard that clanging for about 5 long seconds, and then it stopped.  A few seconds later it started up again, just as insistent.  After that I didn’t hear it again.  I went back out in the garage and told my parents about it.

Well, Mom was growing tired of working on her stained glass, so we went inside.  Mom was going to teach me how to burn a cd on the computer, and I was going to read to her what Patrick told you over the weekend. 

After the cd was finished, I went to my room to get my stereo out of my armoire.  Imagine my surprise when I realized that the source of that clanging sound I kept hearing earlier was from the hanging knob of MY ARMOIRE…. THE SAME ARMOIRE I GOT THOSE PICTURES OF THOSE MOVING ORBS IN FRONT OF!!!
I just know that was him.  I know it.  I know I heard something… something insistent…. but it stopped when I went upstairs.  (He probably didn’t want to spook me. LOL!) 

- After a while, the experience above made me wonder if Patrick really was the spirit I felt in my room so thickly that one time.  I mean, I was really freaked out about it because I never feel presences around me.  And those orb pictures showed up the same day that I felt the presence. It was so strong that I wasn’t even comfortable retrieving something out of my desk drawer for two seconds.

Orb 2

Orb 3


Not so sure the above is Patrick related anymore, but rather an earthbound spirit.  I think either one is a possibility.

Book Coincidences:

(I’ll just copy and paste my email to my friend below)

- In "To Tame A Highland Warrior" by KMM, Grimm is a ‘Berserker.’  I'll stop myself from babbling, but that character feels familiar to me.  His personality.

Actually, this is a little odd – or I’m waaaay too introspective – but I bought a Nora Roberts book called “Enchanted” a short while ago that I normally wouldn’t buy.  I didn’t really read the back cover, but just skimmed it.  I saw that the male lead was a Scot, it was 75 cents, so I rescued it from its dusty shelf.  But then I found like 7 other books that I wanted to buy, so I decided to put that one back.  But it turns out that the lady at the counter already rang up my books earlier and that she was having trouble taking that book off the total.  So I decided it would just be easier to go back to the table, retrieve the book and buy it after all.  What’s 75 cents anyway? 

Well, when I first started reading it I actually wished I hadn’t wasted 75 cents on it.  Turns out the male
lead was a Scot, but he was also a shapeshifter; a wolf. Lol!  So it was sort of a fantasy book with magic in it, which I normally don’t read, but Mom had already read it and she told me she was surprised at how good the book turned out.  So I read the whole thing and agreed with Mom.  It really was a good, believable story.  Short, too, which was a welcome change from the books I normally read.  But what caught my attention was that in the last half of the story the quote “Love Waits” was always mentioned.  Well, Mom and I each bought a ring, when we first moved here, that is a band of silver with the words “True Love Waits” inscribed on it. We bought them because we liked it that that phrase could have differing personal meanings to people.

So maybe the cashier having trouble taking that book off my receipt was meant to happen. I was meant to buy that book for the “True Love Waits” message.

Oh!  And I found out last night that in that book you mentioned, “Until You,” the Patrick character gets amnesia.  Well, in one of the books I’m reading now, “A Kiss to Remember,” the male lead gets thrown from his horse and suffers from amnesia as well.

(But I guess I’M the one with “amnesia” about Patrick in this life, eh?)

How Many?

- The lady in “A Man in a Kilt” is always referred to as being “odd” by her husband.  He later admits that he loves her odd ways.  (This echoes something Patrick showed my friend once.  She had no idea what it meant at the time, though Mom and I both did immediately.  I’ll explain later, but it echoed Disney’s “Beauty and Beast” and that dream my friend had about running into Gerry/Patrick on the street. In that dream he told her that he loved my quirks and my “odd ways.”  And remember… Belle was considered “odd” in the Disney cartoon. Lol!  But… I’ll explain the Beauty and the Beast stuff later).

- But this coincidence just about takes the cake.  It even had Mom laughing. This is what I read today in Janet Chapman’s “Tempting the Highlander.”  In this part of the story, a lady and her children (in modern times) find a man dressed in plaid and carrying a sword, unconscious and bleeding to death in the woods:

“…. This guy is dressed like an ancient warrior.  Maybe there’s a Scottish festival going on.”    “Here’s the towel, Mommy.  What’s the socks for?”    Catherine took the towel from Nora, placed it under the plaid, and slid his belt down to hold it over the wound.    “He’s in shock, sweetie, and his body temperature is dropping.  Here,” she said, handing one pair of socks to Nathan.  “Put these on his feet.”    She carefully pried the sword from the man’s left hand, slipped one of the socks over his fist, then slipped the other one over his right hand.    “He’s got six toes!” Nathan blurted, stepping back.  “On both feet!”    Catherine snapped her gaze to the man’s feet.  His toes did look rather crowded.  She looked up and gave Nathan a reassuring smile.  “I’ve heard of people having six toes.”    “Is he a monster?” Nora whispered, hugging the pine tree again.  “He’s awful hairy, and he’s real big and scary-looking.”

Remember how that night Mom did the automatic writing and the reading, she told me she could have sworn Patrick told her he had SIX toes, and she and I were laughing so hard? Lol!  I guess reading the above passage in my book was confirmation. I was sooo not expecting that.  What are the odds of reading about a Highlander with SIX TOES?!  Lol! And also, the little girl mentioned that he was big and scary-looking.  That was how Patrick looked to Nat the first time she contacted him.  She said that he had a gentle spirit, but that his outward appearance was the exact opposite; very fierce.

- Just remembered something.  Years and years ago I told my mom how I missed having a cat.  The very next day a cat was stuck up in our tree, injured.  We kept her, and get this – my cat has SIX TOES. Lol!  And not only that, but Tiger Lily gave birth to my cat – “Wendy Moira Angela Darling.”  I cannot begin to describe the bond I feel with this cat. Lol!  It’s just that the story above makes me wonder if Patrick led 6-toed Tiger Lily
(later my “Wendy”) to me b/c I had said I missed having a cat like I used to have as a child.

Maybe he DOES listen to me.  I said out loud that I missed I having a cat and… POOF!… there’s a cat in my tree.  I also said out loud one morning that I wondered what Patrick’s horse’s name was and…. POOF!… His name is ‘Hooker’ and he’s a dapple mare. Lol!

Here’s that silly excerpt I sent my friend about Mom’s reading:

- Okay…. This is HILARIOUS and creepy, so be prepared. Patrick told Mom he had 6 toes on one foot!!  (Now THAT did NOT come from my mother! Lol!) He said it was “a matter of great concern” and that they didn’t know if it was "a good or bad omen."  (Which makes sense for the times.  People were extremely superstitious back then.  I mean, if a baby had a strange birthmark, they’d say it was from the devil. I hate saying this, but back then some horrible people would even resort to murdering a child with a mark like that). Anyway…. Patrick then laughed and said they decided to keep it!  Lol!  Mom also said his extra toe creeped me out. Lol! (And umm... I think it still does. Lol!)

The book was called "Everything in it's Time," by Dee Davis.
Here are the excerpts from the story, along with any comments.  Some of these coincidences are subtle, but perhaps they mean something?  Time will tell I guess:

The word “warrior” popped into her mind.  It was an apt description of the man.  Yet she knew that, despite appearances, there was gentleness in his strong hands and in the firm curve of his lips.

(Note: Patrick is always described the same way. A fierce looking warrior on the outside, but really gentle).
They belonged to each other as surely as if they were wed.  He smiled a little at the turn of his thoughts.  He had not considered himself a romantic man.  Experience had left him wary and cynical.  Suddenly, he knew that he must not lose what he had found last night.  He could not let her go.

(Note: Mom said this about Patrick.  Disconnected with his feelings until his lady came along.  Actually, this trait was in two other books I’ve recently read as well.  I read A LOT and recently was the first time I’ve stumbled upon this in my books I’m reading).

Obviously, real or not, you have developed quite a bond with this man.  So much so that he keeps you from finding someone here in the, quote, real world.”
   Katherine felt the color rush to her cheeks.  “Don’t start that again.  You know I’d like a relationship.  It’s just that I can’t find the right man.”
   “You can’t find him.”

(Note: This is what my aunt and mother have said about me and Patrick.  But personally, I think it’s possible that they’re romanticizing why I’m alone so far in this life).

“Iain.”  Katherine looked intently at her salad.  “His name is Iain.”

(Note: In my notes for a story that I want to write, which is loosely based on Patrick, I’ve given the ghost the name “Iain”).

“Kitty, you have to admit that you are somewhat obsessed with Fantasy Man.”

(Note: Umm… it’s no mystery I’m obsessed with Patrick.  It’s a never-ending quest.  Well… not really “obsessed” but I’m definitely DEDICATED to unearthing the truth).

“She is my wife and by right that makes her mistress here.”
(Note:  My friend told me that when Patrick spoke to her about me, she heard the name chatelaine and “mistress” several times.  Only she and I both didn’t know at the time that the wife of a laird, etc. would be addressed as such).

   “Was there some sort of code you used as kids?  If so, maybe she used it.”
   Jeff audibly blew out a breath. “The only one I can think of involved capital letters.”
“You mean the capital letters make up the words of the message?”

(Note: For an early Christmas gift, Mom bought me a book called Wizardology. It’s a kids’ book really, but I’ve been wanting it for research for a Young Adult story I’ve been writing.  Well, while reading it the night before I was a little annoyed that throughout the book there were capital letters where they weren’t necessary. Lol!  I know this isn’t Patrick related, but I thought it a cool coincidence).

“What about ‘our ivy tree’?  Does it mean anything to you?
   “Maybe.  I’m not sure.  It might be a reference to a book.  One winter Katherine was really into this author, Mary Stewart.  Kitty read every book she wrote, but her favorite was ‘The Ivy Tree.’”
   “What was it about?”  She cocked her head to one side, waiting for his answer.
   “I never actually read it, but it had something to do with lovers who had a secret place, a hole in an ivy-covered tree, where they left messages for each other.”

(Note: In my first book, what did I write but that there was a fallen tree struck during a storm where young couples hid love letters in the gap where the lightening bolt hit).

“I’ll love you forever.  Never doubt that.  And know that if I canna be with you in life, I will find a way to be with you in your dreams.”
(Note: Made me think of all my dreams where I think Patrick was coming to me – in disguise, ever since he scared the heck out of me when he came as himself in that tent dream. Lol!)

More coincidences related to that book and the one I want to write that is loosely based on Patrick –

Abernathy” was the innkeeper of the castle.

(Note: In my own book “Mrs. McGrath” will be the innkeeper of the castle. But a day or two before I bought the Dee Davis book, when adding notes to my story I mistakenly called the “Mrs. McGrath” character “Mrs. Abernathy”).

Elaine” is one of the secondary characters.

(Note: In my story I’ve been considering having “Elaine” be the name of the heroine during her past life).

Iain and Katherine’s child is named “

(Note: This is grasping at straws, I admit, but... my aunt and friend have both said they thought my name in my past life was Anna-something.  My friend thinks it was “Annabelle.”  And yes, that name eventually did make me remember all that BELLE stuff I mentioned earlier. Just a thought – again, this is grasping at straws – but remember the Wizardology comment above?  Well, in that young adult story of mine I gave the heroine the name “Annalea” b/c  I liked the name ever since I heard it from my aunt.  And a few weeks ago I realized that I stupidly made another character in that story’s name be “Ann.” Lol!  So maybe there’s a subconscious reasoning to my liking that name?  I’m not sure yet).

Coincidences related to a book I was told about, though I admit this might be grasping at straws.  To be perfectly honest, I think the entire post below is grasping at straws.  I only write it down b/c of all the other book coincidences recently:
(email excerpt)

When Mom contacted Patrick that time (when I thought that some of it was correct and some of it was incorrect), she said that Patrick told her about me - “The moment I saw you.  From that moment on, nothing was in my control.  The Fates took over.  I was compelled to do anything but comply.”

In the book it’s
love at first sight for Patrick and Rosamund.  (I don’t know if that was true for Patrick and/or myself back then, but what Mom says above echoes that sentiment.  He just might not have acted on it as quickly as Patrick does in the book; and in that book it was quickly.  Lol!  I really didn't like that book).


Mom and yourself said that Patrick and I were around
15-20 years apart in age.

“You have shown no interest in a (regal) woman in over 20 years, Patrick.
And you could be her father,” he teased.
“Fortunately, I am not her father,” the earl replied.


Mom says that Patrick was married twice (both died) before he met me.

My aunt and a psychic told me he said something about
losing his children.  Even in that dream I was telling you about (with the ghost who told me I was an empath)…. in the  beginning of it, she was wringing her hands when walking around a pool as she was looking for her lost children.

He had been
widowed for 28 years, and when he’d lost his wife, Agnes, he vowed never again to kill a woman with the bearing of his children.

I believe the book also mentioned him losing a child – his daughter – somehow.


In Mom’s Automatic Handwriting, Patrick mentioned - “We often looked at the heavens and wondered at them.  I still remember it well.”


“Let us go out and view the night sky,” he suggested.  “It is very clear, and the stars are always their brightest over Stirling on a winter‘s night.”


Your automatic handwriting that came through when you wrote about that Patrick/Gerry dream that you had –
“You bewitched him body, mind and soul. You were like no other he had ever seen or met before.”

“Are we bewitched, Patrick?”
she asked him.


Beauty and Beast connection, and yes... this is grasping at straws as well -
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone.” (This is what the Beast says about Belle. which matches what Mom said about Patrick).


“Will you believe me when I tell you that I have never before felt with a woman as I do with you now, madame?”



… he was not a stranger and she had known him forever, yet she had never before this day met the man.

She felt as if they were a single entity.

Beauty & the Beast, King of

, and a crown and roses:

(Some of below are excerpts from emails, and I admit that some of these ramblings might be grasping at straws.  That being said, I prefer keeping an open mind.  What I do feel in my gut, however, is that Patrick feels that our story has its similarities with B&B, as well as POTO; two stories which are very similar, I might add)

- I am always making fun of the feather hat I’ve been told that Patrick likes to wear. But one day he came to my friend wearing a crown. She was also shown a piece of stained glass with a rose (the rose was part of the stained glass). She didn't see the whole piece - just a corner of it. She also saw a tarot card on top of the glass. It looked like the KING OF SWORDS.

Well… when I was talking to someone else who did a tarot reading for me (just a general reading which wound up being about Patrick) I mentioned how it’s been interesting trying to figure out Patrick’s personality over the years. I mentioned that I thought he was harsh-looking on the outside, but that he really is a quiet, kind person. A gentle soul, but at the same time perhaps very intense. I also mentioned how my mom said she thought that from a young age he was taught to detach from his emotions.  Well, the lady replied back that that sounds like the
KING OF SWORDS to a T.  (King of Swords was one of the cards she pulled).

So I think my friend seeing the King of Swords card was a way for him to confirm that that’s what his personality is/was like.

- The last time I was in Austin my niece and I watched Disney’s Beauty and the Beast together.  I hadn’t watched that in forever, and was surprised at just HOW MUCH I still loved watching that movie.  Ever since then I’ve been thinking of watching it here at home, but never could find the time.  

So the day after you mentioned the stained glass/rose/tarot card I thought I’d force myself to take a writing break and watch the movie.  The second I saw the “Beauty and the Beast” title on the tv screen, it made me think that Patrick really might be trying to tell me something.  We already know that he sees me as “Christine” and himself sort of as “The Phantom” from Phantom of the Opera. 

Note: I’ve always felt that Patrick’s and mine’s story is similar to that musical. From the very first time I saw that movie, I sort of felt like Patrick’s/mine's story was a bit like POTO.  Near the beginning they show when Christine is a little girl, and she talks about how the Angel of Music was always there in her dreams, and how she felt his presence and how he was always there, protecting her.  And well… I did see him when I was a little girl, and he was taking care of me – fixing the covers at the end of the bed.

Also, when I was having major doubts about Patrick this past summer, she said that she told Patrick there had to be SOMETHING that would make me believe.  That’s when she heard him say – “Call her Christine.  She will like that.” Lol!  (It took a few minutes for her to remember that Christine is a character from Phantom, and that I’m a huge POTO fan).

Well, I now think that he also thinks of me as “Belle”…
(my family always calls me Belle by the way. Lol!  Even my niece told me that while we were watching the movie together)… and himself as “the Beast.”  It makes total sense to me, and I’ll tell you why.

Remember when Mom did that automatic handwriting?  I was never sure that it was all spot-on, but maybe some of it really was. Patrick mentioned:

“I loved you more than you loved me I think, for you sometimes feared me and you know you were most tender and kind to me, despite my crude ways.  You were the flower.  I was the thorn.”

In the beginning of the story (also in POTO), Belle fears the Beast. (Which reminds me of my ‘tent dream’ where Patrick scared the heck out of me). And then there’s the flower/thorn mention in the AW Mom did, and a rose is an integral part to the B&B story.  And remember my reaction when he came as himself in that tent dream and how convinced I was in that dream that he was evil?  Well, that sounds like The Beast to me in the beginning of the story. Lol! Furthermore, what did Patrick show you the other day but a STAINED GLASS piece of a ROSE – just like there is in Beauty and the Beast.  Remember the stained glass in the beginning and end of that movie?

By the way, as I was watching the movie there’s that scene where Belle and the Beast are finally getting along and the Beast says he’s never felt this way about anyone and wants to do something nice for Belle.  Well, I believe it was Mom 
(and perhaps even you) who said he kept a lid on his feelings until I came along.  And remember when he said he planted roses for me in that past life because he knew I loved roses?  Well, that echoes that part in the movie, where the Beast wants to do something nice for Belle. And then there’s a couple times in the movie where Belle realizes that the Beast and the Prince are one in the same… when she looks into his eyes – just like how I know when it’s Patrick in my dreams because of the eyes.  Remember my ‘staring into my soul’ dream that I had?

So I think the stained glass of the rose and the King of Swords tarot card might have been him trying to convey to me once more… just like he did with my recent dream about Gerry and Target…. what his personality is like. Of course, I could be way off. But if it really did mean something, I think the book I just wrote above is a possibility.

And you know, the other day I...

...caught the end of the movie “The Man in the Iron Mask.”  I actually remember concentrating and studying the crown that the King wears in that movie that day.  Now, I have seen that movie MANY times and I’ve never cared a snit or thought anything of the crown before.
A crown is a crown is a crown, ya know.

I also think that, just like the Prince/Beast
- (who also had a crown when he was human. You can see it in the stained glass) - Patrick was in line for the crown. Maybe he was trying to tell me something there – again. Oh!  And remember that dream I had a while back where he was running away from me on top that white mare?  I had later discovered that the one silly thing in that dream was in fact THE MESSAGE.  The lady next to me in that dream was that actress from that tv show, “KING of Queens.”  So I guess it’s important to him that I understand that he was a king of some sort.

And about those pictures you sent of those crowns like Patrick showed you  - Well, guess what the Beast’s crown is shaped like in the movie. Lol! Yep, just like you showed me.

(Note:The crown pic above is the one she sent to show me what Patrick was showing her)

And another thing that's B&B related...

– I have ALWAYS thought that the Prince in the end, the second he turns around and looks at Belle with those BLUE EYES WIDE OPEN… well, that has always reminded me of Patrick when I saw him when I was 7 years old.  The eyes I mean, and the intensity of them.

And I’m not at all surprised that he sent a message this way; related to a story that I like.
(And Beauty and the Beast is very similar to Phantom, only it has a happy ending).

- Note: About a month ago, at work, one of the students was telling his friend something.  I could have sworn he said
(about me) “She looks like Belle.” When I looked at him, he looked like he was in trouble. Lol!  I nicely asked what he said, and he said nothing.  I asked him a second time if he wanted to ask me a question about the math assignment and, again, he refused to tell me.  So I guess maybe he really did say that. Lol!  I just thought it funny b/c my whole family has always said that I remind them of Belle.

It makes one wonder that MAYBE Patrick even hangs out with me at work?
(I never believed it when people told me that Patrick watches me very closely and is interested in everything and everyone I’m interested in.  But the above – and something I’ll post next – is changing my mind a bit).

Picture" of Patrick:

- This is funny, but I was thinking one day (this was the same week as the Beauty and the Beast stuff) that it’d be nice if I could find a picture of someone that looked like Patrick, so that my family could see what he looks like.  Well, my friend must have been reading my mind because 2 or 3 days later she started looking for a picture that looked like him. She thought she had found one… a Colin Farell picture from Alexander… but wasn’t positive, so she asked to receive a sign if she had chosen the right picture.  I think it was the next day that she started thumbing through a magazine.  The first page that opened up had the words "COLIN FARELL" on it.  She then turned to that page with the article about him.  What’s strange is that she asked for her soulmate to lead her to her sign, and get this…. the author of the article had the same name as her soulmate. Lol!  But there’s more… when she got home she looked up the movie poster for Alexander.  The poster which showed up with all the Alexander posters was a BELLE portrait poster from Beauty and the Beast. Lol!

Note: I have to say that this pic doesn't look exactly like Patrick, but it's a very good starting point.  Patrick's features are much more "rough" and chiseled. Overall it's not that bad a comparison, so I was impressed by that.  And like Nat said, the hair doesn't quite match.  Patrick's hair is longer.  His chin is squarer too, I think.


- I substitute teach at two junior high’s right now, and get this – the school mascots are a KNIGHT and a HIGHLANDER.  (Remember, I’m obsessed with anything Scottish and think Patrick was Scottish). 

- My niece and nephew’s school mascot was a KNIGHT.

- Whoa…. Hold the horses cowboy b/c I just had a thought.  Could be nothing, but during a reading (the one where Patrick yelled “Victory!”) my friend thought she heard something about “Mascot.”  We never figured out what that meant.  I’m now wondering if he was talking about all these coincidences with the mascots of the schools I’m working at now, and of my niece and nephew’s elementary school mascot.  Sounds a little far-fetched, but it’s all I’ve got for now.

- On a personality test that I took a few times, my results always were INFJ, which they call "The Knight."

Uncomfortable Dream

(Email excerpt)

Okay… now the dream.  It was STRANGE STRANGE, STRANGE.  I almost wrote you about it but felt silly about it.  But when I read your email today about your class last night (trance), I thought I’d bring it up. 

The night after your first reading, I slept restlessly b/c I kept waking up.  EVERY SINGLE TIME I woke up I may have been “talking” in my sleep.  I’m actually embarrassed to think that my brother could have heard me b/c when he stays at our house he sometimes has to get up during the night to take his dog out. 

Anyway, EVERY SINGLE TIME I woke up it was like I was trying to say a name in my sleep, but couldn’t get past the first syllable.  It was always a “W” sound or a “B” sound.  I don’t know if I LITERALLY made those utterances, but it was happening every single time I woke up.  The only way I can describe it is how a deaf person sounds when they’re trying to speak.
This is the thing though… in your reading you said you thought Patrick’s other name was “William,” which echoed what I told my aunt in her reading years ago. So that’s why the name “William” could have been on my tongue.  Also, the “B” could have been “Brian” because my sister told me she thought his name was “Brian Patrick.”

But each time I woke up from this dream it felt like I wasn’t IN CONTROL, you know?  I am not into trances and spirits taking over a person’s body AT ALL.  I’m not even sure I ever really believed that was possible.  But this “W” and “B” thing was bothering me ALL NIGHT.  The last thing I remembered was a dream where I was in the bathroom next to my room.  The lights were still off (except for the nightlight), and it was still nighttime.  But in this dream I was levitating in front of the mirror, and there was the spirit of some woman in there with me.  She was wearing a blue Victorian dress.  In the dream someone walked inside the bathroom (my brother I think), and I remember thinking I wish he would say something so that this lady and her control over me in my dream would vanish.  It was such an UNCOMFORTABLE, UNUSUAL dream.  I’ve never had a dream like that before, and the constant “B” and “W” sounds I was making in my sleep are pretty disturbing as well.

Spirit Drawing

On a forum someone posted a spirit drawing, asking forumers what they think the spirit in the picture was thinking.  (Oddly enough, her name was Layla and that week Mom kept hearing the name “Laoina” and then she met a “Laylona” at my grandpa’s funeral.  Of course, that was all just coincidence but I thought it a little strange b/c Layla/Laoina/Laylona is such an uncommon name).  My guess on the picture was this  -

I think she's very sad, but resigned. I think she has a very strong will to go on, yet the sadness she feels will always be a part of her and she knows that. She has no choice but to live with that pain forever.

Or maybe I'm just a hopeless tragedist.

I was told that I had her essence correct, but I’m now wondering if my interpretation has something to do with that PL with Patrick?  My friend hadn’t even done that reading yet when I posted my interpretation of the picture. I guess I really do subconsciously remember that PL with
(or without I guess I could say) Patrick, hence my interpretation of that picture.  Or maybe this was all confirmation; his way of making me pay attention.

Is this overanalyzing?

- Even though I NEVER read for pleasure all through school, I was CONSTANTLY wondering how on earth people write books, much less just ONE novel. LOL!  I mean, it was ALWAYS in my head even though I loathed reading with a passion back then.  I’m starting to wonder if it was him who planted the idea of writing into my head in the first place.  It’s just like with the paperweight doggie lying on A BOOK that Mom named “Patrick.”  When she was given that paperweight, I wasn’t even writing stories yet. (By the way, when Mom was in the dressing room yesterday at Kohl’s, the lady in the next stall was asking someone if the outfit she was trying on would be good enough to wear at HER BOOK SIGNING. Lol!)

- And this is nothing at all, but I think it’s a funny thought.  When listening to the POTO soundtrack in the car the other day, The Phantom sang “Look at your face in the mirror, I am there INSIDE.”  Immediately, I remembered those orb pictures in front of my armoire. Mom is always laughing at that b/c in one picture it looks like the orb is traveling straight through the keyhole.  She’s always joking to me that it looks like the ghost is living INSIDE my mirror/armoire. LOL!  Like when the Phantom showed himself to Christine through her dressing room mirror. I would never have thought of that if not for Patrick telling you that I’d like being called “Christine.” Not to mention ever since Mom found that long-awaited-for armoire, it has always reminded me of something that would be in Christine’s fancy dressing room.  I’ve always thought that. Lol!

The Ancient Celts 

And isn’t this funny…. Remember how you said Patrick was “A BIG GUY?”  Well, it looks like the Celts were pretty well-known for that. (Also their love for fighting.  Remember how TERRIFIED I was in that tent dream?)  Also, I have always said that Patrick’s hair wasn’t really blonde, but YELLOW.  Lookie what Mom found on the internet about The Ancient Celts.  His hair looked YELLOW b/c not only was he a natural blonde, but he probably chemically treated it; probably with something like horse urine b/c it has ammonia in it – BLECH!  Here’s what Mom found out:

- The ancient writers dwelt upon the terrifying effect an army of Celts had on their opponents; their great stature, their wild cries, their gesticulations and prancings, the clashing of arms and blowing of trumpets - all combined to terrify and confuse the enemy. As long as these demonstrations of enthusiasm and bravado struck terror into the foe, the Celts would drive all before them. 'For they were always most formidable while they were fresh.'
The whole race is war-mad, says Strabo, high-spirited and quick to fight, but otherwise straightforward and not at all of evil character. (And remember how in my tent dream I was convinced he was EVIL, even though in real life I know he isn't that way AT ALL). - To the Romans the Celts presented a terrifying sight because of their tall stature and their strange appearance. They were in many respects different from Mediterranean peoples. The Celts were by far the tallest race in the world, noticeable also for their white skin and fair hair. Although the Romans had heard about the barbarian Celts, they first encountered them as warriors, and it was in battle that their enormous size and strange appearance first struck them. The Celtic chiefs who advanced to challenge their opposing Roman leader to single combat were men of great physique, 'of stature greater than human'; the story of the fight between Britomartus and Marcellus can be compared to that between Goliath and David. The triumphal procession awarded to Marcellus was said to be most remarkable for the riches of the spoils and the gigantic size of the prisoners. Diodorus Siculus describes the Celts at some length: 'the Gauls are tall of body, with skin moist and white; their hair is blond not only by nature but also because they practise to increase artificially the peculiar nature of their colouring.

- An outstanding characteristic of the Celtic people was their love of decoration and ornament. 'They collect a great quantity of gold and use it for decoration, not only the women but also the men. For they wear bracelets on the wrists and arms, necklaces of solid gold, rings of great worth and even gold corslets' (body armour for the upper part of the torso).

- When the joints of meat were served, the chief or hero took the thigh piece. But if someone else claimed it, they joined in single combat to the death. Frequently they used some chance circumstance to start an argument and then a fight during dinner. They indulged in sham fights and practice feints and they would end up either wounding or even killing their opponent. This love of quarrelling and fighting even at a table was made all the easier, says Polybius, because they usually ate too much and drank too much.

Overall we may safely say that the general impression from all sources of evidence designates the Celtic aristocratic society as being tall, physically powerful men and women with fair or reddish hair, grey-blue eyes, light skins, oval faces, and fresh complexions. - The Celts were a very clean people, using soap long before the Romans did.

- Children took their mother's name and daughters inheirited her possessions. Virginity was not highly valued; twice the dowry was given for a woman previously married or with children. Abortion and choice or change of mate was a woman's right.

Mom also read that they were
greatly into nature. (Like you said about Patrick planting those roses)

Scaredy Cat!

This may be nothing, but my cat freaked out last night. She had been in my room for maybe 10 minutes when all of a sudden she JOLTED up and her head jerked from side to side like she was seeing someone in my room.  She was really FREAKING out.  (And my cat is VERY skittish around strangers.  She always hides under my bed when they simply knock at the front door).  Well last night she completely freaked.  I didn’t know if it was about Patrick or if she heard my father waking up to go to work.  I usually hear my father when he wakes up, and I didn’t hear a blessed thing when my cat freaked.  I’ve also never known my cat to go berserk like that when Dad gets up either. She bolted out of the room, so… in case it really was Patrick… I reminded him that he CANNOT show himself to me at night. Lol!  When I glanced at the clock it was 2:02 am.  (Yes, I am STILL seeing 1’s and 2’s on the clocks). So that made me think even more that maybe my cat saw Patrick in the room.

And yesterday I told Mom that Patrick would never show himself to me again, because he'd think it'd scare me like it did before.  My Mom slowly responded -
"Weelll, I don't know." Lol!  I was surprised she said that.

And guess what… I just now glanced at the clock and guess what time it is –
12:20 pm.

Another email excerpt from me –

Oh My Goodness.  You’re going to think I’m making this up, but I’m not.  After I read that I looked at the computer clock and it said - 1:20 And in the car today, when I brought up Patrick for the first time, I looked at the clock and it said 12:20.  And last night I was ‘setting the rules’ so-to-speak about Patrick not showing himself to me at night and about how he needs to find some signal that I’ll recognize that’s he’s around; a tap on my shoulder or a scent, etc.  After I did that, I thought – “Look at the clock.” I did and the time was 2:02.That’s the EXACT same time it was when I looked at the clock when my cat freaked out the night before. So that’s another coincidence.  I guess that’s his way of saying it was him that spooked my cat. Confirmation yet again.

And another coincidence popped up –  After Mom and I pulled into a parking lot today the dj on the radio said the next song request was
“from a caller from Scotland.” Lol!

Oops… ANOTHER coincidence I think – I had just read your email about that spirit that won’t leave you alone when I went downstairs to the kitchen to show Mom your email.  When I did that, Dad turned on the tv in there.  John Edward was receiving messages for a
“Patrick.” Lol!  And last night my gaze fell on the tv screen.  The first thing I saw was the name “Patrick” in the list of credits. Lol!